BELLADONNA : L'era continua....

Scatta il fluido erotico...

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Messaggi: 17938
Iscritto il: 27/12/2005, 8:21

BELLADONNA : L'era continua....

#1 Messaggio da sandocan19 »

Ditemi che nn è come penso....nn puó ritirarsiiiiii!!!!!
qualcuno bravo in inglese traduca pleaseeeeee!!

Dal suo blog:

*sigh* Well, my plan WAS to fill you all in on my past week and a half of life. But, sometimes things change in an instant. I CAN tell you that a few weeks back, I was as high on life. I felt that there was nothing in the world that could bring me down. I was given permission, by my husband, to have sex with other men. When I was first told, I never thought for a second that I could actually ever go through with it, so I just teased him by telling him stories of me having sex with other men, and it was a lot of fun. I did mention to him that if I were ever to do it, it had to be someone I was extremely attracted to. Well, that day came along. I found the perfect man to share this experience with. I told this man that I wanted to have sex with him and that I would pay for him to get tested so that we could enjoy ourselves knowing that we were safe. I had been around this guy in the past and Herpes was brought up, but it was never a straight forward question, so my answer was that 99.9% of the porn industry has Herpes. I thought by saying that it was pretty clear, but I should never have assumed. I got the test results back from Aim Healthcare and his test was negative for everything, so we set a time and a place for our rendezvous and I went on about my merry way. I was in heaven, feeling like I was thirteen year old again and having my first kiss at Skateworld. I had so much desire for this man and didn't even know it until my husband told me of his fantasy. Well, I went to meet up with him and we shared some of the most incredible sex I've ever had. We began to talk about how responsible we felt for doing it this way and that people should do it like this more often. Get tested, get permission and totally enjoy yourselves. It didn't even take ANYTHING away from the excitement of it! In fact, it may have made it even better! Then we started talking about STDs and he brings up Herpes! He says, "You don't have that do you?" My heart almost hit the floor and my gut tightened up like a knot. It's a little late in the game to be asking this now, don't you think? It was as much his responsibility as it was mine, so I can't really place any blame. I really thought he knew since we had talked briefly about it before. NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING!!!! I couldn't even tell him the truth at that moment because I was so embarrassed. I just blurted out, "NO!" I kept thinking how am I going to tell him. This is a man who doesn't work in the adult industry, granted I don't know what he does in his personal life, but I should have said something before it was too late. I never said a word and left. I called Aiden right away and told him what happened and immediately after that I called "the other man" to tell him that I lied. I explained everything and told him how I felt and he was actually really calm and nice about it all. I took him to Aim Healthcare the next day to talk about it and told him I would pay to get him tested again and that I would take care of it for him. I am just crossing my fingers that I did not give him HSV-2 for life. Now you all know why I posted the Herpes blog because I went through a lot emotionally and got very stressed out over it all. I actually lost sleep and my appetite for awhile. Now everything is calmed down and I feel a lot better. My husband's fantasy is gone. And even it if it weren't I don't think I could have sex with anyone else at this point. I am fine with having sex with just my husband for the rest of my life. You don't have to ask me twice.

Anyway, here's the kicker. I started shooting the Vivid feature, The Devil in Miss Jones: Lost Paradise and everything was going well. I've been working 13 hour days and it's been challenging because I don't usually do these kinds of projects. I know that it's worth it to me though, because when I get to sit down and watch the finished product, I'll see all the hard work I put into it. The night of the 23rd, after my shower, I was putting some lotion on and felt what I thought was a rash on my upper butt cheek. I was like, what the hell is this? and kept trying to think of how I could have gotten it and from where, or was it a bug bite or something? I could not seem to pin point it. I left it alone and thought, well, it will be gone in a couple of days, no worries. But it has only gotten worse. I had to cancel my sex scenes for today and I went to the doctor, only to find that he thinks it Herpes. I am not 100% sure yet because the culture won't be back until Friday, but he loaded me up with medication. The thing is, it's not a normal sized breakout. It happens to be 2 inches in diameter and it's on my ass!!!!!!!! This isn't the worst thing that could happen. I am totally aware of that, but it is a big fucking deal to me considering the size and the placement! He even said it could very well leave a scar because of the size of it. I nearly cried! It's days like this that make my job suck. If there were one thing that I could name that would make me not want to have sex for a living it would be STDs! And that is why I am telling you all of this today. I will no longer be performing with other people. I'll still be doing solo scenes for extras on my movies and also directing, dancing and signings.

This is really a big decision for me and it hurts me in some ways, but the way I look at... it's time to let me body relax. I just don't want to risk getting Herpes all over my body, or in my eyes, or genital warts or even HIV Don't worry, I'm not leaving the business, I'm just not going to be performing in front of the camera anymore. I know that is why a lot of you are my fans, but I hope you continue to be a fan of my work directing and behind the camera in the years to come. I can't thank you all enough for supporting my career throughout the years! And I'll still be here telling you all about my adventures in life and all of the other really hot guys and girls I've been shooting. So don't go anywhere yet, I have much more in store for you.
Ultima modifica di sandocan19 il 30/06/2009, 15:20, modificato 3 volte in totale.

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Iscritto il: 25/03/2007, 11:24
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#2 Messaggio da cicciuzzo »

troppo lunga, viene il mal di testa solo a leggere i caratteri!
Il sentimento più sincero rimane sempre l'erezione

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Iscritto il: 15/06/2005, 13:12
Località: Il buco nero dell'Occidente democratico

#3 Messaggio da radek66 »

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Bah, premesso che sarebbe effettivamente un evento luttuoso per il porno, ritengo che, data la produzione sconfinata della, un suo ritiro sarebbe nell'ordine delle cose...
Mi par di capire tuttavia che lo fa per amore... penso possa essere l'ennesimo ritiro fittizio di una pornostar...
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Viva il mecdonald e nonna Rolanda (sic, su un muro a Piombino)

E' una persona così perbene che mangia le noccioline con coltello e forchetta (Recount)

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Messaggi: 4395
Iscritto il: 28/05/2006, 11:06
Località: est london

#4 Messaggio da madball »

pare che si sia anche presa un bel pó male per via di un herpes bello grosso all'altezza el culo...peró cara Belladonna, cazzo pretendi? c'è entrato di tutto il quel buco
I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.

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Iscritto il: 03/07/2002, 2:00
Località: Torino, neh !

#5 Messaggio da donegal »

Traduco in soldoni.

Vi dico che ho scoperto di avere un grosso herpes attorno all'ano, almeno, questo è ció che voglio farvi credere.
Azz, fa un male della madonna, oh !
Quindi ho deciso che faró solo scene da sola o qualche spettacolino. Magari faccio la regista, vah...
Ah, grazie per aver cacciato il denaro per comprare i film dove ci sono io... oh, non fate i belinoni, se dovessi produrre qualcosa compratelo, ci schiafferó qualche scena ditalina proprio per giustificare ancora il mio nome sulla copertina (finchè sono ancora famosa) così qualche copia la vendo...

Ah, le prime 27 righe potete pure saltarle, sono di una noia mortale (ammazza quanto so' prolissa)
Ció che voglio dire lo trovate subito dopo.
Maturità e depravazione battono sempre gioventù e bellezza

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Messaggi: 17938
Iscritto il: 27/12/2005, 8:21

#6 Messaggio da sandocan19 »

Pensavo che una come lei...nn potesse mai stancarsi del suo lavoro..
me la immaginavo a 40anni..splendida milf con 2 negroni...
e invece ....:( :(

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Messaggi: 4395
Iscritto il: 28/05/2006, 11:06
Località: est london

#7 Messaggio da madball »

I've been working 13 hour days STACAN(al)OVISTA
I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.

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Storico dell'impulso
Messaggi: 17938
Iscritto il: 27/12/2005, 8:21

#8 Messaggio da sandocan19 »

I had to cancel my sex scenes for today and I went to the doctor, only to find that he thinks it Herpes. I am not 100% sure yet because the culture won't be back until Friday, but he loaded me up with medication. The thing is, it's not a normal sized breakout. It happens to be 2 inches in diameter and it's on my ass!!!!!!!!

ha un erpes di 2 pollici nel culo pensate un pó al medico che l'ha visitata :DDD !!!

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Veterano dell'impulso
Messaggi: 4395
Iscritto il: 28/05/2006, 11:06
Località: est london

#9 Messaggio da madball »

sandocan19 ha scritto:I had to cancel my sex scenes for today and I went to the doctor, only to find that he thinks it Herpes. I am not 100% sure yet because the culture won't be back until Friday, but he loaded me up with medication. The thing is, it's not a normal sized breakout. It happens to be 2 inches in diameter and it's on my ass!!!!!!!!

ha un erpes di 2 pollici nel culo pensate un pó al medico che l'ha visitata :DDD !!!
le avrà  chiesto "scusi signorina, ma le per caso fa anal?"
I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.

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Iscritto il: 17/04/2001, 2:00
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#10 Messaggio da Trez »

madball ha scritto:
sandocan19 ha scritto:I had to cancel my sex scenes for today and I went to the doctor, only to find that he thinks it Herpes. I am not 100% sure yet because the culture won't be back until Friday, but he loaded me up with medication. The thing is, it's not a normal sized breakout. It happens to be 2 inches in diameter and it's on my ass!!!!!!!!

ha un erpes di 2 pollici nel culo pensate un pó al medico che l'ha visitata :DDD !!!
le avrà  chiesto "scusi signorina, ma le per caso fa anal?"
...Doctor Trez :DDD :DDD

..scusate la mia ignoranza ma un herpes al culo non va via??..a me viene a volte alla bocca..e non pensate male :-D , ma con cremina dopo poco va via... :o fa anal??? (by Trez 2001)
La nostra Clara è troppo avanti, del tipo se uno fa una scoreggia lei l'ha già annusata prima che esca dal buco del culo. (Trez 2015)

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Iscritto il: 17/07/2007, 10:38
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#11 Messaggio da Raoul »

sandocan19 ha scritto:
ha un erpes di 2 pollici nel culo pensate un pó al medico che l'ha visitata :DDD !!!

Credo che non ci sia bisogno di spiegazioni :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bisogna dire ció che si pensa, ma occorre pensare a quel che si dice
Non essere triste per chi più non c'è. Loro non lo vorrebbero
[i]Il problema è che, in questa epoca di grande comunicazione globale, quando ti fa male il culo non è per le emorroidi...[/i] (Beppe Grillo)
[i]saró di parte,ok ma non è che premi play e via[/i] (colpo)

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Iscritto il: 25/07/2007, 17:01
Località: Torino

#12 Messaggio da MartinaGirl »

In effetti a forza di scene anal extreme i muscoli rettali staranno chiedendo pietà ...
Ritrovarsi a 40 anni e portare il pannolone perchè non si riesce piu a tenerla deve essere deprimente... :(
"Ma che cazzo a me non piace mangiare la merda e non capisco che cazzo ci provano quelli che lo fanno e per questo sono un bacchettone...?!?! Voi si che avete un bel concetto dell'apertura mentale e della "liberta' sessuale". Complimenti!" - Duck65 :DDD

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Iscritto il: 28/05/2006, 11:06
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#13 Messaggio da madball »

Trez ha scritto:a me viene a volte alla bocca..e non pensate male :-D , ma con cremina dopo poco va via... :o

fai oral? :)
I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.

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Il Fede
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Iscritto il: 01/10/2006, 1:03
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#14 Messaggio da Il Fede »

L'herpes al culo significa condiloma. Ecco cosa si è beccata la signorina.

Sono dei piccoli tumori benigni che possono insediarsi sugli organi genitali (pube, pene, testicoli), all'entrata della vagina e dell'ano, sull'uretra e il collo uterino. Talvolta l'inguine e la coscia sono colpiti. Queste verruche sono sia piane che sopraelevate, di piccole o grandi dimensioni, si trovano isolate o in gruppi. Spesso si trovano localizzate nello stesso posto componendo una formazione esuberante e a forma di cavolfiore

Scusate per l'immagine schifosa, non me ne vogliate, ma di questo si tratta, piaccia o no.

Osservandola, perfino Ratzinger si convincerebbe di quanto sia necessario l'uso dei contraccettivi ( Matt Z Bass ).

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Veterano dell'impulso
Messaggi: 4395
Iscritto il: 28/05/2006, 11:06
Località: est london

#15 Messaggio da madball »

Il Fede ha scritto: una formazione esuberante

I'm just another bored male, approaching 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.


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